Detoxing With Dani: Tips & Tricks To Detox Your Life For A Happy Healthy Future

The Most Common Gut Imbalance and What You Can Do To Resolve It With Dr. Kaisa



Leaky gut has become one of the most common gut imbalances we are seeing when it comes to gut health and even overall health. Manifesting not just as a gut issue but also in the skin and the brain. So just because you aren't having digestive issues doesn't mean you can rule out leaky gut.  Today Dr. Kaisa dives into this topic with us on how to identify symptoms of leaky gut, what we can do to help resolve it, and the one food you need to eliminate right away.  Medical Disclaimer: The information provided by the Detoxing with Dani Podcast, Dani Ferguson CN, or any of its guests is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult your physician first before implementing any of the information provided.