Nobodies Are Somebodies Podcast With Chad Vice

Episode 0000052: Prime Cuts - End of the Year 2017 Special



You can't have a show, you don't have a big guest. You don't have ANY guest for this show. How can you just release a "Best Of" episode an expect people to tune in to that? They've heard this content before. It's not like you're on TV and get away that! These are things that no one has said to me, but thoughts have crossed my mind about ending the Nobodies Are Somebodies podcast after the 1st season after all, because I, Chad Vice, have been struggling to find new folks for the show over the past couple of months. With not being able to secure a big time hoped for guest for my big 50th anniversary show, was this the final straw to push me in to podcaster retirement, as it were? You'll have to listen to find out!