Snyder Showdown

023 | How Having the Right Processes and People Can Help Companies Grow Their Business



Chris Snyder is the President of and he is also the founder, investor, and managing partner at which he acquired in July of 2019. Juhll has helped businesses grow and find the right fit and team for your company.  Dr. Jeremy Weisz is the co-founder of Rise25, a company that helps B2B businesses connect with their 'Dream 100' clients, referral partners, and get ROI by utilizing and maximizing the many opportunities that hosting a podcast can offer. In this episode… How do you generate lead conversions? And what happens when your product is excellent, but your company is stagnant? These are some common pitfalls for companies who have been around long enough to see the different innovations in the way business is done but aren’t able to fully embrace the processes and systems that are now made available to them. Chris Snyder, President of Juhll Digital Agency, shares how he was able to help a company work their way out of business stagnancy and see an enormous improvement in sales with the he