Table Tales

Abaddon 21: Forever Marked Part Two



The finale of the Abaddon Saga. Our faithful Leather Daggers have to survive Plastic City security and maybe save a couple of lives along the way. Will Alice be reunited with his family? What secrets do Abel and Dodgeson hold deep inside? What is actually in the Bunker? All on this week's TABLE TALES! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our theme was written and recorded by Brad Harvey and Dan Walton. For future updates of their work follow them at @bradley_harvey and @danwaltonno ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our artwork was done by, wait, what's this? Well our very own Eric Lee did it! What a multi-talented boy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can follow all of us on Twitter at: @OurTableTales @TStape03 @EricLeeeeeee @AdamLeezy @Jesus_H_Pharaoh