Table Tales

Abaddon 01



The time has come. The evil man Thomas has been vanquished into a new character, sacrificing his litany of characters he brought to the table. Welcome, Murphy. The new GM. In this world, technology has ravaged the world. A brainer detective/criminal-for-hire Dodgson (Thomas Stapleton), a ex-military gunrunner Abel Stockton (Adam Lee), and the leader of a bone cult and this group, The Leather Daggers, Alice (Eric Lee) all work through the crowd sourced mercenary app Abaddon. The three of them take a job to protect a politician, Oral Baker, and what happens next is up to you to find out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our theme was written and recorded by Brad Harvey and Dan Walton. For future updates of their work follow them at @bradley_harvey and @danwaltonno ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our artwork was done by, wait, what's this? Well our very own Eric Lee did it! What a multi-talented boy! ---------------------