Translator Tea Time

Translator Tea Times Two: Jennifer O'Donnell and Cassiel Merricat



Show Notes 1:09: Cassiel and Jennifer introduce themselves. 5:22: The two discuss getting feedback from a client. 12:11: Cassiel discusses her first translation work...which was translating a blog post (and the company didn’t properly set her up!). 16:32: Cassiel then discusses her first freelance translation work...which involved fixing two older men’s mess on an otome game. 20:00: Jennifer discusses her first translation job, which involved working for an automotive company that wanted someone to work in their Tokyo office...except they didn’t have a Tokyo office. 25:35: How Cassiel and Jennifer discuss how they first met. 29:00: One misconception they had about translators once they got into translating, and the importance of connecting with people. 38:00: Both discuss how to handle burnout...or at least try to. 41:12: How both handle criticism from peers, fans, and clients. 47:45: Cassiel and Jennifer on how important it is to try and take care of yourself mentally. 54:05: Both discuss imposter syndrom