Disney Philharpodcast

Episode 35: Kilimanjaro Safari



Hamjambo Everyone! And thank you for joining us for the next two weeks on this exciting podcast adventure packed with facts about the wild wildlife safari attraction at Disney's Animal Kingdom-wait--I mean, at the Harambe Wildlife Reserve in East Africa. We're getting to the bottom of those ostrich eggs, the REAL relatives of the Okapi and even digging up the old story of Big and Little Red (the Reds). Oh.............and Wilson. (eye-roll emoji) What a duo we have here on this one, #blessed, It's Rhode...and Mike! Andy's Roundup gets pretty wild (roar) as we design our own safaris and also go off on a ton of tangents. But mostly, Laura just talks about her lifelong dream of an Alpaca cuddle party. @disneyphilharpodcast @disphilharpod search and ye shall find! Kwaherini!