The Amy Ahlers Show

Paradox of Prosperity with Julie Steelman



#311: The Amy Ahlers Show is especially for powerful, high-achieving women that are ready to STOP being so hard on themselves so they can make their greatest contribution. Show notes for today’s podcast episode can be found at I’m joined by women’s wealth coach Julie Steelman. Julie earned her way out of the corporate world at the young age of 47 by unlocking the secrets to a new style of feminine earning power.  She discovered that all women possess a pearl of internal wisdom she calls Feminine Financial Intelligence™.  On today’s episode: We take a holistic look at prosperity and the guilt that comes with having or wanting more. I share the story about my own internal dilemma with creating more wealth and abundance. We get real with powerful inquiries to get you into the juice of your own personal paradox of prosperity. You deserve to be a woman of wealth that can use your prosperity to change the trajectory of the planet. We need you to rise up to your power!  Did you hear