The Bodylove Project With Jessi Haggerty

Ep. 026: Emily Fonnesbeck on Orthorexia and the Big Problem with Elimination Diets



One of my favorite things about hosting this podcast is my guests’ willingness to share their stories. Today’s guest, Emily Fonnesbeck, was so generous in sharing her personal history with orthorexia, and how her eating disorder recovery now informs her practice as a dietitian. Emily is a Registered Dietitian and her practice is in southern Utah. Here are some of the highlights from this episode:   Orthorexia   Orthorexia, directly translated means “perfect eating”. It is typically accompanied by a lot of food rules, elimination diets or “cleanses”, and an obsession with “clean” or “pure” eating. Emily talks about how her “functionally dysfunctional” relationship with food and exercise snowballed, overtime, into “full-blown” orthorexia. Orthorexia, combined with an exercise addiction lead to a pelvic stress fracture, a weak and fatigued body, and a slew of digestive issues (all of which are very common side effects of undereating and overexercising). Orthorexia, exercise addiction, and perfectionism are real