The Bodylove Project With Jessi Haggerty

Ep. 018: Nancy Clark on the Intersection of Sports Nutrition and Eating Disorders



A few months ago I was at an eating disorder conference here in Boston, and hanging out by myself at a post-conference networking event (can you tell I'm an introvert)? Then, I was greeted by another dietitian, who complimented my on my soft-looking sweater. I turned to introduce myself and asked... "and your name is?" "Nancy Clark", she responded.  I was super embarrassed in that moment one, because I've followed Nancy's career since I was an undergraduate in Nutrition, and didn't recognize her immediately, and two, because I got slightly giddy as I realized I was talking to her in person, one-on-one. It only took about 30 seconds of talking to her before I blurted out, "do you want to be on my podcast?!" She said yes, and here we are having an insightful discussion on the intersection of sports nutrition and eating disorders. Our conversation can benefit both recreational and professional athletes, and professionals who are working with both.  Resources BodyLove Project Bonus Episode Work with Jessi Nancy