The Bodylove Project With Jessi Haggerty

Ep. 017: Katie Dalebout on Healing Through Journaling, Dealing with Bad Body Image Days, and Being Uncomfortable



In this episode Katie shares her complicated relationship with food growing up and through college, and the tools she used to ultimately address the underlying issue: “I just didn’t know myself”. As a child she fell victim to the the issues our culture has with body image. She constantly found herself wanting to look like what she saw on TV and comparing herself to her friends. Her freshman year she gained some weight, and unintentionally lost it (and then some) while studying abroad. When she returned home she received positive feedback and validation for losing weight which motivated her to “keep going”. Katie continued to lose more and more weight by engaging in unhealthy behaviors that eventually spiraled out of control. After seeking guidance through self-help books, Katie stumbled onto journaling as a tool to help her express some of her deepest feelings, which eventually helped her heighten her self awareness and get to know herself better in the process. Journaling had such a profound affect on Katie,