The Bodylove Project With Jessi Haggerty

Ep. 014: Summer Innanen on Giving Up Dieting to Improve Your Self Worth



As a Body Image Coach, Summer has an amazing perspective on body love and body acceptance. However, she hasn’t always had the privilege of being at peace with her own body. As a child she never felt comfortable in her body and grew up with the belief that thinner was better. This belief spiraled into an obsession with dieting, exercising and numerous weight loss attempts. At the time, Summer didn’t realize that she was struggling with exercise bulimia, a condition where you use exercise to compensate for eating, and described her obsession with exercises as an addiction. After struggling for years she sought professional help because ultimately her obsession was taking a physical and emotional toll on her body. Summer clarifies that it wasn’t necessarily the quantity of exercise that was the problem, but her relationship to exercise. For this reason disordered behavior in our society is so often overlooked. People do not realize it is more about the individual's thoughts rather than how that person looks. Sum