The Bodylove Project With Jessi Haggerty

Ep. 012: Julie Duffy Dillon on the Word "Fat"



In this episode I talk to Julie Duffy Dillon. Julie is a registered dietitian and food behavior expert who wants to help you enjoy eating again. She combines her specialized nutrition therapy with her training as a mental health counselor to promote food and body peace. Julie owns a North Carolina group nutrition therapy practice helping individuals, families, and health care providers treat and prevent disordered eating and promote positive body image. She is also the host of the weekly podcast, Love Food. You can find out more about her and ways to experience Food Peace at and find her on Facebook, Instagram (@FoodPeaceDietitian), and Twitter (@EatingPermitRD). Fed up with creating short-term diet plans for patients, Julie began questioning the idea of dieting altogether and decided it was time to take a different approach. This meant going against the mainstream belief that weight loss results in improved health and instead giving her clients permission to feel good in their skin just the