

So I am always intrigued by expressions.  Where did they originate from and what in the world do they mean? I think most of us know what the expression 'Let's address the elephant in the room.' means, but what if you were not familiar with the phrase?  Wouldn't you be looking around for an elephant? What about the expression 'on a whim'?  What is a 'whim' and why would you anything on one? So I think you can see where I'm going with this.  As I did this show I tripped over a few more in just explaining this little language phenomenon. Wild ones that surprised me and new ones we wish we did not have. In conclusion I share some of my ideas on how to deal with our 'new norm' and how we might embrace life and others in a different way. All the times you see the expression, 'we're all in this together' may not seem fair to include you in your circumstances.  And my prayers go out to you.  But we truly are stuck in this situation together. I hope I give you just a glimmer of a smile and a bit of encouragement toda