Awaken The Guardian

The Trust Factor | 159



For today’s episode, Coach Gerritt talks about how people should start looking at potential business partners or colleagues. When choosing someone to be on your team, value the trust factor overall. Coach Gerrit tells an example of how the Navy Seals select their men: those with high trust value and middle to low skill value. Why? It’s because skills can be 100% taught while being trustworthy isn’t. Coach Gerrit tells his listeners repeatedly: you can train performance, but you cannot train trust. He also sheds light on knowing how to determine if a person is the toxic one in the team because most likely, this person’s trust factor is low, and they’re someone you don’t want by your side. Do you struggle to find the time to invest in yourself, family, AND your business? It doesn't have to be that way. Find out more at: -- The Tactical Businessman is a podcast committed to one thing: Empowering people to find the answers they already know exists. Gerritt Bake is a retired