Dusty Futon

League of Liars - Dusty Futon SOCAL 6-15



Sppike, Rumble T, and Maestro Mike of the League of Liars join us on the Futon to debut a few of their tracks. They have a debut album coming out an d want to chat about it...and THEN some!  Sppike is spelled with to p's and he's one of the players in the Spice Girls / Sex Pistols tribute band, Spice Pistols.  That gimmick aside, fellow "Spice Pistol" Michael Fairchild "aka Maestro" (self declared) fronts this amalgamation of music.  League of liars might not be telling the truth, but they claim to have inspirations from all different styles and genres of music...well, that's an easy one to believe... The three "liars" share three of their songs with us, from their debut album with a working title "$5 demo for $10" (not sure if that's a lie), and some stories along the way.  We also get a tidbit from Sppike on Arthritis and aging rockers...it's a valuable one too! Follow them for all their shows on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/leagueofliars/  We are not just a podcast, we are a platform dedicated to th