Dusty Futon

Nightshadow - Dusty Futon SOCAL 6-10



San Diego POWER METAL band rocks so hard Tyler starts sweating!  Nick has been working on this band since 2012, writing tunes and looking for other players.  Good things come to those who wait, and three drummers later they have their mix!  This up-and-coming group recently won a Brick by Brick competition for the Wacken Metal Battle USA, establishing themselves in the scene.  They love playing there...and Brick loves having them! Tyler's puns may be awful; however, the shredding of the guitars isn't!  It's so good that at the end of the episode, Tyler dares Nick to play a slide whistle solo, while Chris plays the "bass flute."  We track 3 of their songs in full, Battle Cry, Children of the Night, and Mistress of the Pit.  We sample a bit of Anthem for the slide whistle solo, but you have to buy their EP on iTunes to hear the whole thing! Follow these guys on facebook at Nightshadowmetal and Reverbnation! We are not just a podcast, we are a platform dedicated to the advancement of the Local Music Scene - and