Dusty Futon

Falling Doves - Dusty Futon SOCAL 6-02



Chris Leyva and Mike Dorsey ARE the Falling Doves and they fly onto the Dusty Futon with Big Jon and Spicy Kim.  They brought with them a unique experience for the fan…a RAW DEMO version of a song off of their newest album.  "Falling Doves" kicks ass; however, the version WE got to listen to is definitely more punk influenced.  Chris talks about what it means to sign with a record label; the tradeoff between the resources you're given and giving up some artistic freedoms.  It can be very rewarding...but it's still an important choice regardless.  Have you ever toured and had your drummer cancel on you?  Then your bass player suddenly can't come either?  It happened to Chris and Mike on a tour to Vegas...and the "pick-up" band idea was formed.  They practiced this type of performance for their music and were very happy with it.  They have a different backup band in nearly every country...including Japan!  Falling Doves just recently got back from Japan, where the guys learned about the Japanese culture and the