The Entrepreneurs Library With Wade Danielson

The Greatness Zone by Jay Forte | Episode 069



In this episode Jay Forte takes a deep dive into his book, The Greatness Zone where he helps you know what you are good at, what you love and what is going on in your world.In his book, Forte introduces this life-changing thinking in his compelling and heartwarming story of two kids in college. By following the stories of Mary and Mike, you will get to see the greatness formula in action which will guide you through the process of knowing yourself and finding your best fit in life.This book is perfect for an entrepreneur who is bored with life, often listens to what others have to say, and does not know how to change things.About Jay Forte:“I am a certified life and workplace CEO coach, an author and a speaker. Prior to that I was a CPA and CFO for years and then realized that most of my career I was in the wrong place. I’m a big idea person that just needed an environment to keep inventing. Now I work around the workplace and around helping people discover what the big ideas in life are for them.The Greatnes