The Entrepreneurs Library With Wade Danielson

Smartcuts by Shane Snow | Episode 057



In this episode Shane Snow shares his book, Smartcuts, where he shows you how hackers, innovators, and icons accelerate success.In his book, Snow teaches you how you can do more than you are doing and do it faster than you think by thinking about things smarter. He also explains how you can find the business secrets to shorten your path to success in real life and divides the book into three main sections of how this happens based on hundreds of interviews with incredible people.This book is perfect for the entrepreneur who has the motivation to be super successful but wants to accomplish ideas at a faster pace.About Shane Snow:“I grew up in Idaho and live in New York City now. I first studied computer science and became a web entrepreneur and then I moved over to journalism. I moved to New York to be a journalist with a dream of writing for Wired Magazine and writing about Tech got me to start my own tech startup.I was fascinated by people and businesses that seemed to beat expectations. As an entrepreneur m