The Entrepreneurs Library With Wade Danielson

Profit First by Mike Michalowicz | Episode 052



In his book, Michalowicz shows you the correct formula for success as opposed to the original from Generally Accepted Accounting Principles of GAAP. He proposes a new formula about selling as much as you can, extract your profit from your business first and then pay your expenses with the remainder. His approach changes the entire paradigm.This book is perfect for all entrepreneurs who have based their businesses profitability on the formula of sales minus expenses equals profit. By taking the advice from this book, there will be less money for expenses, your behavior will change and you will find ways to get the same things done with less money.About Mike Michalowicz:“I am an author targeted toward small business books and how to grow them to be successful and competitive in market. I challenge all the beliefs that are out there about growing a business and study other businesses to find the current formula for success.After selling my second company I thought I knew the formula to success and became full of