The Entrepreneurs Library With Wade Danielson

The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur by Mike Michalowicz | Episode 050



In this episode Mike Michalowicz shares his book, The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, where he gives you the business tools to get ready for building a business and the kick in the behind to get started.In his book, Michalowicz provides his perception on what entrepreneurship is and how you can navigate starting and building a business when you have no resources. The difference between this book and others like it is Michalowicz connects entrepreneurship to the bathroom experience when we find a way to survive on a very small amount of toilet paper.This book is perfect for the aspiring entrepreneur who needs the tools to startup when they don't have money and for the established entrepreneur in need of realigning their business.About Mike Michalowicz:“I am an author of The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, The Pumpkin Plan and Profit First. Prior to becoming an author I was a fulltime entrepreneur growing a couple companies and today the forefront of my activities is writing books and talking about them.I wanted to chall