The Entrepreneurs Library With Wade Danielson

Hello, My Name Is Awesome by Alexandra Watkins | Episode 045



In this episode Alexandra Watkins shares her book, Hello My Name is Awesome, where she teaches you how to create brand names that stick.In her book, Watkins delivers the real insights into naming a business and clever ways to create a slogan so entrepreneurs can learn the proper techniques for branding business.This book is perfect for the entrepreneur or small business owner who does not have the budget to hire the services of a branding agency, but has the will power to learn how to do it themselves.About Alexandra Watkins:“I am a self-taught person who didn’t go to college. When I was in eighth grade I knew I wanted to be in advertising and I was able to talk my way into an internship with an ad agency. I eventually landed at Ogilvy and Mather. I talked my way into becoming a namer at Lander while on a date. I am an interesting person and traveled to more than 45 countries including Libya, Zimbabwe and Cuba.I did not want to write a book, my parents are authors and I know that writing a book is a