The Entrepreneurs Library With Wade Danielson

Sell Your Business for an Outrageous Price by Kevin Short | Episode 042



In this episode Kevin Short shares his book, Sell Your Business for an Outrageous Price. In his book, Short unveils over 5 years of research in selling businesses combined with over 25 years of experience in mergers and acquisitions. Unlike other books that teach you how to sell your business, this book takes you one step further to prepare business owners like you in getting more than twice what your business is worth. Sell Your Business for an Outrageous Price is the perfect book for business owners looking to sell their organization that are making between 10 and 100 million dollars in revenue.About Kevin Short:“I am the Managing Partner and CEO of Clayton Capital Partners. I have been in investment banking, specializing in mergers and acquisitions, for 25 years. I’m married and a father of four girls who keep me busy all of the time.I’ve done hundreds of deals in my M&A career and about 10 years ago I began to see this phenomenon of taking a company to market, expecting to get a 5 multiple of earnings