The Entrepreneurs Library With Wade Danielson

Overfished Ocean Strategy by Nadya Zhexembayeva | Episode 041



In this episode Nadya Zhexembayeva takes a deep dive into her book, Overfished Ocean Strategy. This book is not your typical guide on how to be innovative, but instead is a survival plan for your business during times of recession. The goal for Zhexembayeva is to provide you and other small business owners with a look into the future of the global economy along with successful stories of businesses that are driving innovation and strategic realignment in order to survive.About Nadya Zhexembayeva:“I am a business owner in the consulting world and teach at business schools around the world to primarily executives. I have been working in executive education since 2006 nonstop.I wanted to find a new way of innovated business models and strategies for companies and started researching ways to do that. I was trying to understand what makes companies enter this new domain and what makes the path successful for those who succeed in this approach. This was kind of accidental research and a few publishers asked me if I