The Entrepreneurs Library With Wade Danielson

The Small Business Lifecycle by Charlie Gilkey | Episode 039



In this episode Charlie Gilkey takes a dive into his book, The Small Business Lifecycle. Unlike other business books that focus solely on marketing and sales, The Small Business Lifecycle discusses how to grow your business through different lifecycles. This book is unique in that it offers entrepreneurs and small business owner real challenges, opportunities, and inconvenient truths about running a small business.About Charlie Gilkey:“I founded and run a website called Productive Flourishing which is about helping creative people take their ideas and make something good happen in the world. It’s not so much for the dreamer; it’s for the inspired doer. Before starting Productive Flourishing I was simultaneously completing my PhD in Philosophy which I am still working on and I was an Army Joint Force Military Logistics coordinator.I’m a business coach and worked with a range of people who would come to me trying to do things that they were either told to do or read about that were inappropriate for their busin