The Entrepreneurs Library With Wade Danielson

Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days by Al Lautenslager | Episode 4



As a business owner you know you need marketing but you do not know where to start. Al Lautenslager and Jay Conrad Levinson give you that starting point in Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days. It is really common sense types of things but not necessarily common practice. Wade interviews Al in this episode to discuss that path, one step in front of the other, that road map, for the marketing that you need to do for business.About Al Lautenslager:“I am an author, speaker and marketing consultant. I travel the world talking about various marketing strategies for those that are interested in growing a business to do so with low and no cost marketing tactics. I’ve been a business owner for fifteen years; I owned a printing and mailing business in the city of Chicago and spent time in corporate America before that. Parallel to my business ownership I started doing a lot of marketing consulting with small businesses. I sold that business in 2009 and focus today on consulting. I am an author of six marketing books and am