Digiperform Audios | Digital Marketing Training Podcast

What To Choose? Digital Marketing Online Course Or Offline Course | Ep. #008



In Episode #008 Digital Pratik from Digiperform is going to discuss the pros and cons of online and offline digital marketing course in India. Just like any course, it all depends on what you make of it. Digital Marketing is something that is best learned while on the job. Theoretical knowledge is generally nice to read, but unlike other fields, it can be quite diverse and tricky when it comes to implementation. Nothing beats a hands on approach, because the learning and takeaways are very different. We would love to hear from you in the comments section below. WHO SHOULD LEARN DIGITAL MARKETING? The world is driven by the internet and it holds the key to your all unlimited problems. The internet today is like a magic wand that helps you to find the relevant information regarding any context just like that. Whenever you search any product on the internet, you find unlimited links stating the availability and information about the same. Due to the love for internet, Digital Marketing is becoming the thri