Ronii Bartles

What you can get done in a week Set Up Your Marketing Sysstems



Set it + forget about it! I totally said that in a Jersey accent in my head. We do this for dinner all the time. But what about doing it for the marketing in our businesses? Most of us find marketing to be hard + spend 90% of our time doing what we think is marketing our business. But imagine a world where you don’t have to do that + the time you just reclaimed can be spent doing your favorite work, loving on your clients, making dinner, drinking wine with your friends, watching football, the list is endless. That is where the marketing system comes in. My definition of a marketing system is where you design a path for a potential customer to come into your world and engage with your work. It’s organized + automated and your marketing job is now to evaluate the system and make tweaks as you see things working or not working or new trends among your audience. I think it’s pretty obvious why it is important - to take your life back.