Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Conventional Medicine CANNOT Save you from your LIfestyle PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe Podcast



PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe #104 Your Doctor can NOT save you from a bad Lifestyle!! One of the biggest scams there is in this world is that conventional medicine, which is the kind of treatment you can get from an American clinic or hospital can make you WELL! Nothing is further from the truth…a medical doctor of today just means that that person is a member of the biggest, most powerful labor union in history- the American Medical Association. This is a labor union par excellence- it guarantees incredibly high wages for the practitioners in “the Brotherhood” as Malcolm Kendrick calls it, as long as those doctors tow the line, don’t rock the boat, and follow “approved” treatments ONLY- things like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery only for cancer treatment- nothing else can even be considered, or the doctor doing so can be thrown out of the union- in other words -lose their high priced and time consuming right to practice medicine! Your doctor is actually forbidden to recommend common sense li