Respect The Grind With Stefan Aarnio

Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 31



All empires were born from violence, all empires are built on the back of slaves. Rome, Persia, Egypt, America... history is full of examples of sophisticated empires that were born out of violence, fire and blood. Men were made strong in the hard times of birthing a nation, but as they grew rich, comfortable and tolerant, they became weak and docile on the way down.  Men would be farmers or factory workers in peacetime, and when the war sirens rang, they grabbed their swords or rifles to defend their land, families and what they cherished the most. Our men are no longer ready to fight, and nations are even taking in refugees and outsiders out of “compassion”. How do we know if these people aren’t foes with hidden intentions? These refugees now, could potentially turn into barbarians in the future. Will you be ready to pull the trigger first to defend what you love?