Relax With Slow Norwegian

ASMR fairytale in SLOW Norwegian with fireplace sounds and relaxing Christmas Jazz - Piken med svovelstikkene av H. C Andersen (The Little Match Girl)



  A little Christmas reading ASMR style, without any edits of mistakes etc. in Norwegian language. In the background you can hear the fireplace burning and comforting, and in this episode I cannot hide the fact that this story brings me to tears, each time! This is a classic and it reminds us to be grateful of what we have and keep our eyes and hearts open for those who are less fortunate.  Do you have any requests for episodes? I cannot promise anything but I will consider every suggestion. If you would like to support my work please share the link and also reach out to me if you have any voicing needs. (VO, voice acting, custom recordings, explainer vids, commercials... you name it)  Please copy link and share in social media! Vær så snill å kopiere linken og del i sosiale medier! Piken med svovelstikkene Det var så gruelig kaldt. Det snødde og det begynte å bli mørk aften. Det var også den siste aftenen i året, nyttårsaften. I denne kulden og i dette mørket gikk det på gaten en liten, fattig pike me