Xicana Code Switchers

Restorative Justice and Relationship Building



This week we had Jammy Camille (Caraballo Torres) Millet who is the founder and lead facilitator at StayJust, a Restorative Justice Education and Implementation organization. We discussed the experiences of BIPOC working in higher ed, what restorative justice means and looks like in educational settings and the importance of continuing our own growth. Recommended Social Media Accounts: @DrSiyabMD (Tiktok) @JessicaMalatyRivera (IG) @Science.Sam (IG) @Luvvie (IG) BIPOC Business Shoutout: Shyn For all our listeners, you can email us at xicanacodeswitchers@gmail.com and send us your POC business, conference, and event shout-outs and listener letters. You could also record a listener message on Anchor app and that way we can include your recorded message in our future episodes. Follow us on Instagram @XicanaCodeSwitchers and on Twitter @XCodeSwitchers. If you want to support this podcast, you can Venmo/CashApp us @XicanaCodeSwitchers and/or become a Patreon contributor. Thank you all for tuning in to this wee