Unitarian Church Of Lincoln

Achieving a Sustainable Future in a Changing Climate--2019 Sorensen Lecture



UNL’s “Dr. Drought” Dr. Don Wilhite will be accompanied by Professor Clint Rowe As the nation approaches the first presidential election where climate change is a major issue, Wilhite and Rowe will inform Nebraskans about the reality they face.  Wilhite and Rowe will discuss why climate scientists and meteorologists expect that as the effects of climate change intensify, the impact on agriculture, trade, transportation and other areas of importance to our state will increase as well. For over fifteen years the Sorensen Lecture Series has been presented by the Unitarian Church of Lincoln to the public to highlight current issues. It is funded by an endowment from the Sorensen family in memory of former Nebraska attorney general C. A. Sorenson.