Teleosis Institute

Who’s Stopping You (It’s an Inside Job) with Bridgit Dengel Gaspard, LCSW



Based on the working title of her forthcoming book, Who’s Stopping You? – How Your Hidden Inner Selves Hijack Happiness and Sabotage Success – and How to Transform Them into Powerful Allies, in this conversation Bridgit focuses on those of us who work hard toward a goal and find ourselves inexplicitly stuck with the finish line in sight – what she likes to refer to as the final one-eighth of our journey. The first seven-eighths include everything that brought us to this moment of stuckness. Examples of the first seven-eighths include discovering your passion but not knowing how to manifest it in the world; achieving, but not being able to maintain physical or emotional health; and saying goodbye, but being unsure of what to say hello to. Tune into Bridgit’s passionate expertise on our relationships with our hidden inner selves! Bio: Bridgit  Dengel Gaspard is the founder of the New York City Inner Voice Dialogue Center and a Senior Practitioner and Professional Trainer of Voice Dialogue. She has presented