Beyond The Couch With Dr. Sally Nazari

Insomnia: Get Some Sleep!



Overview: Sometimes, the things we do to try and help ourselves get some sleep end up making our insomnia worse. Instead, there are other approaches we can take to help make sure we are sleeping soundly so that we can face the following day more refreshed and take on the things we are looking to build in our lives. What We’ll Learn: We go through several strategies to help you get your best sleep and what makes these techniques helpful. We also debunk some common myths that keep us from falling asleep soundly. We wrap up with a few sleep solutions so that you can beat insomnia and get the rest you need to tackle your day-to-day life. Be sure to access your free Progressive Muscle Relaxation audio to help you relax so that you can get your Zzzz’s tonight! Access it here: I would love to hear how this went for you and what benefits you noticed! Be sure to share with us in our social media communities listed below so we can celebrate with you! Facebook: