Beyond The Couch With Dr. Sally Nazari

Insomnia: How Did You Sleep?



Overview:  A question often on people’s mind is 'How much sleep do I need each night?' Generally speaking, there is no single amount of sleep that ‘fits’ everyone. In this episode, we explore the different processes involved in sleep so that we can make sure we are getting the amount and quality of sleep that leaves us feeling our best emotionally and physically. What We’ll Learn: We examine the ways that sleep helps us make sure that we are at our best along with some routine ways that we get in the way of our best sleep. Along the way, we get a sense of how we can begin to have some sleep solutions, which we will focus more on in the next episode. I would love to hear what you discovered and the benefits you noticed! Be sure to share with us in our social media communities listed below so we can celebrate with you! Facebook: Twitter: Resources Mentioned: https://chry