Beyond The Couch With Dr. Sally Nazari

Mindful Monday: Mindful Eating



Overview:  If you’ve heard about mindful eating but aren’t sure where or how to start, I’ll guide you through some instructions for a brief mindfulness eating exercise. Mindfulness, with its focus on full awareness of the present experience without judgment or attachment is a foundation that many people have been missing in trying to overcome food cravings, addictive or emotional eating, binge eating, and stress eating. Some benefits include helping us to ensure that we’re appreciating our food more, so we eat less – only to the point of satiety; reversing the emotional eating habit; interrupting the relationship between thoughts and unconscious, automatic eating behaviors; and getting in between common states of mind that lead to eating outside of when we are genuinely hungry for food. What We’ll Learn: We choose a small piece of food and go through an exercise to practice the Mindful intent of Mindful Eating. We use our senses to guide us through this practice. You can access written instructions for this M