Maximizing Moments With Milton

MAXMO - Jai Bugarin on How To Go From A Native Of Mexico To The Latinoprenuer Champion



Leader, motivator, self-starter…. Jai Bugarin, a bilingual and bicultural entrepreneur with over 8 years of experience in the digital space. His in-depth knowledge of the social media ecosystem and passion for business strategy and operations, has allowed him to build businesses, raise venture capital, lead and empower teams, develop and grow brands, produce engaging content as well as build large trusted communities across digital platforms. At Maker Studios, his innovative ideas paved the way for the creation of Tutele, one of Youtube’s first original bilingual networks, which included some of Youtube’s most popular Latino content creators. Mr. Bugarin’s dedication and vision for Tutele led him to secure funding from YouTube’s original channel initiative in 2011. His in-depth knowledge of the digital space soon led this strategic thinker to spend his days working on streamlining and improving workflow processes across multiple departments and ultimately overseeing all video production at Maker Studios. T