Maximizing Moments With Milton

Special Episode 25- 2 on 1 with Chris Crowder Entrepreneur and Leader: How to Stand Out Amongst the Crowd- Also special gift!


Sinopsis , ,   Professional Profile Working at the management level of a not-for-profit organization and operating my own companies for most of my professional life I have developed and become proficient at a variety of skills necessary to manage and achieve objectives.   I feel the skills I have developed throughout my professional career would benefit and add value to the Utah Board of Juvenile Justice. In addition to work experience I completed a Master’s Degree in Public Administration with an emphasis on Policy Formulation in 2009. Specific skills include: Public Policy Formulation Statistical Methods Public Policy Decision-Making Resource Allocation Decision Modeling Cost/Benefit Analysis Organizational Culture Analysis Public Speaking Ethics in Policy Implementation Human Resources Management Operations Budget Analysis Moral Law Organizational Structure Professional Experien