Everyday Rockstar Moms

ERM 031: 5 Tips To Stay Healthy During The Holiday Season [Dr. Melissa QUICK TIP]



The holiday season is a time of celebration, joy and so much fun! But for many moms it's also a time of added stress with more cooking, baking, gift wrapping, concerts, shopping, and entertaining to do - while still parenting, working and trying to make time to take care of themselves! This isn't good for our physical or emotional wellbeing. It can be different though! With a few small lifestyle adjustments and fresh perspective you can indulge during the holiday season, feel great, and be present with the people who matter most to you. On this episode with Dr. Melissa Longo we discuss the importance of setting your holiday intention, exercise and food hacks, and some ideas for gift giving that make a world of difference to both the giver and receiver.