Everyday Rockstar Moms

#27 Kaeil Van Regan: Self Care Starts With Being Kind To Yourself First!



Kaeli Van Regan is the founder of Living Inside Out and a Certified Life Coach, Author, Reiki Master and Energy Healer specializing in personal expansion for individuals and families. She has developed products and programs to provide guidance towards a having balance in all aspects of life. She has continued her education in the area of natural health and well-being, energy healing, and life coaching. Her gifts include integrating her learning and experience to support people who feel overwhelmed or emotional and helps them to develop in their own lives. In this interview with Dr. Melissa Longo, Kaeli shares her experience mothering her 3 children with her life partner and the many successes and challenges she has learned in the process. Kaeli also shares her unique perspective about "self care" for moms, how it begins with the internal conversation many women are having with themselves, and how changing the dialogue into one of greater kindness can create a life filled with more joy.  Another conversation w