Everyday Rockstar Moms

ERM 022 Shannon Ballard: Mom Hacks | Pay Attention To The Little Things | Corporate Culture For Working Moms



Shannon wants to live in a world filled with endless creativity, non- stop outdoor adventures and an endless supply of red wine and dark chocolate.  Currently she is the Director of Brand Experience for a creative agency.   In this role Shannon works with clients to build dynamic brands and brings them to life in engaging and memorable ways through end to end customer experience strategies.   When Shannon’s not training for her next triathlon you can find her planning her next adventure with her dashing husband of 10 years,  jumping on the trampoline with her energetic daughter or answering the question “why” for  the kajillion time for her spirited 5 year old son.   On this interview with Dr. Melissa Longo, Shannon discusses her experience with the roller coaster of motherhood, being a united force with her husband in parenting their children as individuals, and setting goals for themselves as a family unit. Shannon also shared how dealing with an unusual viral infection from a travel experience challenged h