Everyday Rockstar Moms

ERM 019 Dr. Kimberly Spares: Align Yourself With The Moment, Take Care of Yourself & Delegate!



Dr. Kimberly Spares is a passionate mother, wife and Family Chiropractor. She is the mother of 5 year old twins, and this year will be celebrating her 10th wedding anniversary with her best friend and partner in life and business, Dr Brian Tresidder.  During this interview with Dr. Melissa Longo, Kim talks about the way her experience volunteering in Africa challenged her to give back to the world, and how she manages to run two successful practices in Australia, while also mothering her twins and maintaining a strong foundation with her husband. Kim also gets real about some of her challenges with parenting twins at various ages, and how losing her dad at a young age continues to impact her today. Kim shares amazing insight about being present with her children, and some tips she has gained from some strong mentors in her life. Kim also talks about learning the valuable lesson of needing to take care of herself, how they set fun health goals as a family, and why she believes all moms should make their health