Everyday Rockstar Moms

ERM 014 Dr. Laura Gravelle: Running A High Frequency Home, Asking For Help & Just Being Yourself



Dr. Laura Gravelle is a family based wellness Chiropractor and owner of Gravelle Family Chiropractic and Wellness Centre located in London Ontario.  Her passion for life, health and humanity are clearly demonstrated in all she creates. She believes we all have maximal potential within waiting to shine. She speaks widely in her community at the corporate level and at seminars on health, mindset, positive thinking and steps to creating an abundant life! On this episode Laura talks about focusing on the health of her young family and being a busy mom to 4 young ones under the age of 8! She shared her journey starting a business while mothering young children, her personal growth in finding a career path that is congruent with who she authentically is, and how she manages to keep her family life and marriage strong. We also discussed a serious health challenge with her youngest child's and how she found the strength to get through it, the challenges of feeling overwhelmed, and the importance of being open and wil