Everyday Rockstar Moms

ERM 010 Lisa Wilby: Taking Charge of Your Happiness, Celebrating The Small Joys & Loving Yourself First!



Lisa is a food and health enthusiast, and a single mom of 3 children, 2 teenage boys and one daughter who is attending university. She  currently  works  full time for a non – profit organization as a teaching kitchen manager, teaching clients about healthy food and cooking on a budget and about how food relates to our health. She loves connecting with people and sharing good food and conversation. On this episode we talked about Lisa's journey in motherhood, her transition in relocating to another part of the country, starting a business, ending a business, and ultimately finding meaningful work that also allows her to be present for her children. Lisa shared how her separation from the father of her children was a pivotal step in her own growth as a woman, how she has found happiness on her own, and the joy she finds in everyday moments. Lisa believes we are all in charge of our own happiness, certainly something she is modelling for her children and people around her.