Everyday Rockstar Moms

ERM 008 Nikki Zavitz: Unschooling, Happy Accidents & Recovering From Perfectionism



Nikki is a small business owner, a Paleo-living, nature-loving mother of 3 girls ranging in age from 2-6 yrs, and is married to her best friend for almost 10 years. A passionate learner and unconventional thinker, Nikki has taken a very early retirement from teaching in the public school system and is now Unschooling her daughters. We talked about why she made that choice, and how that decision and other 'happy accidents' have flowed into her now living a life she loves. We also discussed some of the challenges she has faced as a mother, criticism about some of her parenting choices, finding acceptance and recovering from perfectionism. Nikki shares what gives her confidence as a woman, what inspires her, and the work it takes to continue to create balance within all of their lives. Nikki also runs her own small business creating pre-made meals for families, and we talked about how she schedules her time effectively and the impact of food choices on her family's life. Nikki is a warm soul who has consciously