Reason Bound

#17: Army Stories: India, Iraq, and Women In Combat



Michael Hubbard served as a combat medicine technician in the United States Army. In this episode he discusses his time in the Army including what basic training was like, his drill sergeant, low stress v.s. high stress platoons, how guys would solve their issues with each other, his time in India with the Indian soldiers, issues living in a compound with Iraqi soldiers, his recognition for improving security perimeters and the private dinner he had with higher-ups including now Sergeant Major of the Army, Daniel A. Dailey as a result. Mike and Ryan then discuss the controversial topic of women serving in combat roles in which Mike gives his view into what types of problems could arise, things he saw while serving, and in which situations he would be for or against it. Thanks to Mike, this is an often hilarious and insightful podcast between two friends of nearly 17 years.