Unleash Your Gene-ius With Dr Brian Peterson

008: Samantha Stephenson | Your Gluten Free Buddy



Samantha Stephenson is a Primal Health Coach and blogger. Her web site, Your Gluten Free Buddy has some great recipes and health information. Samantha struggled through high school with low energy, poor circulation, headaches and painful menstrual cramps. After having a baby these symptoms steadily worsened until she was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and subsequently, Hashimoto's Disease, adrenal fatigue and very low Vitamin D. Using holistic nutrition and primal principles Samantha has been symptom free from Hashimoto's for over a year and now helps others develop the skills they need to take their health into their own hands. Website: http://www.yourglutenfreebuddy.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Your-Gluten-Free-Buddy-885672738215343 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yourglutenfreebuddy/ Pinterest: https://au.pinterest.com/glutenfreebuddy/ www.unleashyourgeneius.com