Every Day Is A Holiday

Episode 7 - 30



Our message is simple and it is that we are all of One Sprit. What does that mean? It means that despite our varied creeds and cultures, at their cores, most religions share the same critical sentiments and principles. It means that we as a human race share far more similarities than we allow ourselves to realize. It means that all those who believe in a power greater than themselves are united rather than divided. It means that we need to focus on our individual faith’s legacy of joy. The statement that we are all of One Spirit challenges us to honor that which unites us instead of fueling the “us and them” mentality that will ultimately lead to our demise. The statement that we are all of One Spirit disallows the fear-based idea that in order for me to be right, you must be wrong. We are all of One Spirit. Holidays, Holy Days, happy days, we celebrate life, love, loss and legacy. This is our commonwealth.